Representative of Development Business for K Wanju Moak Theme Park
Oriental clinic specialist of infertility for 35 years
with 30,000 infertile patient medical recordsAcquired patent for the world’s first oriental medicine, Jwahun Bidet
Development, Jwahun Therapy, World’s first oriental medicine
Representative Director 0f “Ten longevity symbols” clinic
(Located in Banpo-dong, Seocho-Ku, Seoul)Former) Adjunct Professor, Wooseok University
Former) Adjunct Professor, Daejeon University
Graduated Dept. Oriental medicine from Wonkwang University
Acquired Doctoral degree of Oriental medicine from Daejeon University
Infertility doctor of oriental medicine
People who overcome infertility
“Donguibogam, Priciples and Pratice of Eastern Medicine” for female infertility