K-Wanju Moak Theme Park


Foreign Visitors Medical Tourism Status
Number of Medical Tourists from ASIA (2014)
Korea’s Medical Tourism Industry Scale (2022)
Comparison of Foreign patients by nationality
Foreign Patient Treatment Course
Market Long View
Sustainable growth of world traditional medical market
The global market for Oriental medicine is prospected to grow to 36 trillion won in 2017 and 423 trillion won in 2023
Increase of market share on traditional medical integrated therapy
The spread of the national consensus on oriental medicine and the oriental medicine related events are continuously increasing.
Increase of interest on Oriental Medicine by local government
There are 19 oriental medicine industrial complexes nationwide, and this is expected to increase continuously
(presently, Sancheong, Hamyang, Hadong, etc.)
Inflows of Oriental medical tourists continue to increase
Foreign patients from Japan, Russia, etc., for oriental medicine treatment will continue to be maintained for the time being.
* Source : 2014. KHIDI / Korea Health Industry Development Institute
Attracting patient of Oriental medicine and Overseas Activation Plan / KHIDI
Target Market Setting
Around 11.5 ~ 12 Trillion won Market Size
Market 1 Market 2 Market 3 Market 4
Foreign Tourists
Oriental Medicine Integrated Treatment
Foreign Tourists
Beauty, Plastic Surgery Market
Local, Foreign Tourists
Healing, Rest Market
Local, Foreign Tourists
Oriental Medicine Products Market
2020 5.5 Trillion Won
(Foreign tourist medical market)
2020 5.5 Trillion Won
(Foreign tourist medical market)
2017 5.5 Trillion Won Estimated
(Local, Foreigners all included)
2013 9.2 Trillion Won Estimated
(Local, Foreigners all included)
Only Oriental medicine Integration Filed
180 Billion Won(Yearly Scale)
Around 3.6~4%, Estimated
Only Beauty, Plastic Surgery Field
600 Billion Won(Yearly Scale)
Around 11~11.5%, Estimated
Stay type Healing Field
1.5 Trillion Won(Yearly Scale)
Industry estimate
Medicine, Cosmetic, Etc
9.2 Trillion Won(Yearly Scale)
Industry estimate